Wednesday, 19 April 2017

Reading the Hurlers – The Results Revealed!

Reading the Hurlers – The Results Revealed!

Join us at Carnglaze Cavens and discover where the Hurlers came from as we reveal the results of the Reading the Hurlers Project

Friday 26th May 2017, Carnglaze Caverns, 7pm for a 7.30pm start

Come and join us for an evening at Carnglaze Caverns to find out the results of the Reading the Hurlers project.
The event is free but tickets need to be booked in advance. Car parking is limited so please car share wherever possible. 

Refreshments will be provided for a donation.

There will be a raffle with proceeds going to the U3A geology group.


Looking forward to seeing you there!

For more information, please contact Emma Stockley